Wednesday, March 26, 2014

An introduction

The content of this blog is not written to purposely entertain or enrich you.  It is simply a way for me to organize my thoughts and vent my ideas and opinions.   However,  if you are reading this blog I do hope that you find it entertaining and enriching.   There are a few topics that you may expect me to write about.  
Jesus, more than a philosopher,  more than a revolutionary,  the alpha and omega the Lord of all creation and the Lord of my life.  Expect me to criticize Americanized Christianity and typical "church" culture.   Expect me to share my endeavors and the endeavors of those around me of spreading the gospel.   Expect me to diligently rebuke worldly culture and exhort Kingdom Culture.  
My wife,  Jesus being the most important in my life,  my wife is the second, she is a godly woman and an inspiration to me.   She makes me a better person, and occasionally I like to brag about her.
My children,  I have a son who is nearly two and another baby on the way.  Beautiful chaos is sure to follow.  Also,  my wife and I are licensed foster parents.  Prior to my eldest's birth we fostered 3 children,  sang at the time of this writing we are waiting for another placement.
Men's grooming, I am a professional barber and most of this blog will be written in my barbershop via mobile phone.   I cut men and boys hair only.   I also do straight razor shaves,  and think the styles becoming popular today are ridiculous.
Beards, this  deserves its own topic separate from grooming, aside from the care and maintenance of.   To me the beard is about principal.   Culture is constantly trying to feminize men and I pray that men will embrace their God given masculinity.   Being masculine does not make you a brute and being a brute does not make you masculine. As random as I tend to be I'm sure there will be other topics and sub topics but this should give you a pretty good idea of what to expect.
Much Love

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